Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nairobi National Park

This week, we went to the Nairobi National Park. We have visited the animal orphanage before, but never took a a drive inside the Park itself. Despite the rain, the children had a great time spotting and naming all the animals we saw.

As soon as you drive into the park, you are greeted by these obnoxious baboons:

Chomping on Acacia:

There are two female ostriches here if you look carefully:

Gitau, Karanja and sleepy Mungai:

I swear there's a herd a buffalo in this picture:

And a giraffe in this one...

The kids were very quiet as we saw a pride of 6 lionesses walk right by us to surround a herd of zebra.

Then it began to rain and the herd of zebras caught on that the throng of 4-Wheel Drives that had gathered weren't hanging around to see them eat grass!

Mungai, king of the shot-gun crying fits:

Heading back home after a long day in the rain:

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