An email from the PEN Kenya treasurer, Khainga Ookwemba, says:
Philo has been physically brutalized by a police officer, who pulled her chest as she demanded the police give her a phone, which had been taken away. Lawyers Elisha Ongoya and Anne Njogu are demanding her release so that she can receive medical treatment. By the time of writing this note, they had denied her bond and release.
A press release from the Mars Kenya Group says:
Philo Ikonya's clothes were ripped off and the police have refused her access to clothing. Please ACT TODAY, to have Philo Ikonya, and the others arrested with her, released. Take the steps below. Post this call to your networks, websites, listserves.
1. Send a text message TODAY, to Kenya's President and Prime Minister. Use the one below, or craft your own.
To President Mwai Kibaki (via his spokesperson, Alfred Mutua):
Cellphone number + 254 721 240 443
To Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Cellphone + 254 733 620 736
Attorney General:
Amos Wako + 254 722 772 453
Mr. Kibaki / Mr. Odinga - we hold u accountable 4 police violence and illegal arrests of Philo Ikonya n other civil society activists. Release them NOW and fire Police Commissioner Ali!
2. Send an email
To President Mwai Kibaki president@statehousekenya.go.
To Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Suggested Message:
Mr Kibaki / Mr. Odinga, I urge you to act immediately to release Philo Ikonya, Fwamba Chrispus, and Patrick Kamotho from illegal police custody. Police Commissioner Ali must be fired for presiding over escalating police violations of civil and human rights in Kenya.
Signed: Name, Organization / Affiliation (if any), City, Country
3) If you are a Kenyan repeat steps 1) and 2) with your own MP and other parliamentarians. Contact details for Kenyan MPs here or here
4) If you live outside Kenya, repeat steps 1) and 2), directing the texts and emails to the Kenyan Ambassador or High Commissioner in your country.
5) If you are a foreign national living in Kenya, repeat steps 1) and 2) with the Ambassador or High Commissioner of your country in Kenya.
6) Copy to the Feedback Form on the site of the Kenyan Police Force:
7) Copy Kofi Annan, in his capacity as the head of the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation Process, through his spokesman:
And they asked him:
Why do you sing?
And he answered, as they seized him:
I sing because I sing
And they searched his chest
But could only find his heart
And they searched his heart
But could only find his people
And they searched his voice
But could only find his grief
And they searched his grief
But could only find his prison
And they searched his prison
But could only see themselves in chains
From Poem Of The Land, by Mahmoud Darwish
Why do you sing?
And he answered, as they seized him:
I sing because I sing
And they searched his chest
But could only find his heart
And they searched his heart
But could only find his people
And they searched his voice
But could only find his grief
And they searched his grief
But could only find his prison
And they searched his prison
But could only see themselves in chains
From Poem Of The Land, by Mahmoud Darwish