This month, Mr. Partho Chakrabarti sponsored a trip with lunch to the
Nairobi Railway Museum. The kids just couldn't get enough of this beautiful little museum hidden in Nairobi's CBD.

There was a significan portion of the museum dedicated to Ships for some reason...
Mungai and Melody spin away



This very unusual bench was fitted to the locomotive footplate above the cowcatcher to allow distinguished travelers on the lunatic line an unsurpassed view of East Africa's scenery and wildlife. Among such visitors were the former American President Theodore Roosevelt, the Prince of Wales, Melody, Joy, Sydney and Mungai!


The kids were a little more interested in these ancient typewriters than anything else in the museum!
Kennedy has a go:

One of them typed this message:

Was it little Mungai? Probably not...he wasn't strong enough to hammer out his own name, let alone a whole sentence - look at his tiny little fingers!


Edwin spoke to the kids about the history of railway - how local chiefs in Tsavo had long ago prophesized that a great iron snake would invade their land; and how Colonel James Patterson, an Engineer working on the Tsavo bridge killed the infamous man eaters of Tsavo.

Levi pops his head out of one of the old trains they have in the yard:

Melody helps joy down:

Sidney sees how many passengers he can "beba!

Mungai the little monkey:

Don't worry, the trains weren't moving!

This is coach from which Superintendent Charles Ryall was killed by a man eating lion in 1900. Now it is being hopped around on by Mungai and Sylvester:

After the museum, we ate some pizzaaaaaa :-)

On the way home, we sang (screamed at the TOP of their lungs) along to Shakira's "This Time for Africa" for the millionth time:
That was a suberb Sunday! Thanks again to Mr. Partho for your kindness :-)