Thanks to Tobias Mugiira of Paradise Lost for subsidizing the entrance costs and offering complementary boat, horse and camel rides!
Captain Karanja sets sail:
After the boat rides, we had burgers, fries, juice and cake for lunch.
Fred and Johnny:
Naomi, Sydney, Mungai and Melody:
Karanja and Fred:
Karanja, Mungai, Gitau and Karanja
Sylvester, Fred and Johnny play some football while they wait their turn:
Fred, Sylvester, Johnny and Ken:
Karanja, Mungai and Me:
Ken and Fred:
Little Joy was too afraid to ride on the boat, horse or camels.
After all, this was her very first outing without mum.
Melody, Karanja and Mungai:
Brother and sister, Karanja and Sydney:
Gitau and Fred:
Brother and sister, Sylvester and Naomi:
Fred and the Canon lady:
Paradise Lost is a beautiful picnic spot with lots to see and do on the way to Kiambu, past Windsor Golf and Country Club.